Effectively Marketing Yourself as BIPOC Talent While Job-Seeking

Marketing oneself while job-seeking can be challenging for anyone. For BIPOC talent, who have been told time and again by the forces of racism and white supremacy that they are less deserving of opportunity, this can be doubly challenging. With studies showing that BIPOC talent is less likely to get interview callbacks than their white counterparts, it’s no wonder that going through the job-seeking process can be discouraging for BIPOC talent. While feeling dismayed is a valid feeling, there are ways BIPOC talent can leverage their skills and backgrounds to create stellar profiles for employers. 

With this in mind here are 4 tips for BIPOC talent to market themselves while job-seeking: 

  1. Create an elevator pitch. An elevator pitch is a short summary of your professional self, your goals, and your experience. This is a great and simple exercise to start feeling more comfortable talking about your strengths and skills. Need a place to start? Tech Latino explains how everyone needs an elevator pitch, even current workers! Copywriter Course has a great Elevator Pitch template and practical tips for how to pitch yourself. 
  1. Share what motivates you. Employers appreciate fresh authenticity, especially when having to sift through hundreds of job applicants. Whether it’s in your cover letter, job interview, or even your LinkedIn profile, sharing what motivates you in your industry is a great way to separate yourself from the crowd. Perhaps it’s giving back to your community or building on a legacy of professionals within your family lineage. Whatever your “why” is, knowing the answer can be your guide as you make your way through the job-seeking process. 
  1. Keep Imposter Syndrome in check. Imposter Syndrome can make you feel as if you don’t belong in the professional world. According to psychologist Dr. Orbé-Austin, who coaches young Black professionals on how to overcome Imposter Syndrome, “the triggers for Imposter Syndrome can be very different for the BIPOC community.” Remind yourself that yes, you deserve opportunities and that yes, you have valuable skills that would make you an asset to an employer.
  1. Attend a networking event for professional minorities. Not only are networking events an excellent way to meet other BIPOC professionals, they’re also an opportunity to practice your elevator pitch! Remember: You are not the only minority who has experienced the job-seeking journey. Connecting with others can help you feel less isolated, more grounded, and more validating. Many minority-based professional organizations host networking events, such as the National Association of Asian American Professionals and the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development

It’s no secret that being a BIPOC professional can be challenging– the job-seeking experience is no exception. However, with good self-esteem, marketing, and networking, BIPOC can make themselves stand out to employers. The bottom line? Don’t undervalue yourself! 

By Jontrese Craig
Jontrese Craig