Explore Industries and Career Interests

The career communities linked below help you explore possible career paths in broad industry areas. You can browse blogs for career advice, research possible career paths, review resources for job and internship leads, and watch videos featuring unique occupations.

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Business & Commerce

Communication, Media & Journalism
Creative, Design & Performing Arts
Deciding & Exploring

Education & Social Services

Engineering & Technology
Government, Law & Policy
Health, Wellness & Medicine

Science, Data & Research

Next Steps

Need help exploring your interests and career options?
Take the Focus 2 assessment to search for occupations that fit with your interests, values, skills, and personality. Then speak with a Career Specialist about the results.

Curious about what you can do with your major?
Visit What Can I Do With This Major where you can connect academic majors to common career paths and see typical employers that hire those majors.

Looking for career advice?
Arrange an informational interview, learning about the real-life experience of someone working in a field that interests you. Use LinkedIn to identify alumni and local professionals who can provide insight and possible mentorship.