
What does ‘belonging’ in the workplace mean to you?

Often the conversation is directed towards ‘Diversity and Inclusion’, but what about ‘belonging’? Here some of the team talk through …

The Future of Work – A Place of Belonging

Asian Doesn’t Start with A+

Asian Americans are often stereotyped as the ‘model minority’ and are seen as perfect students that are good at math, …

Level Up Your Networking Skills

Essential tips from networking coach Jevonya Allen, author of “The Introverts Guide to Becoming a Master Networker”

Stop Chasing Purpose and Focus on Wellness

For ages, people have been told to find our purpose, and that purpose will lead to a fulfilled life. But …

Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are

Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy …

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Nothing is worse than feeling like you don’t belong. LinkedIn social content manager Scott Rising talks about how to tackle …

AAPA Testimonials

AAPA mentors, members, and mentees of AAPA share their experiences with the community.

Onward and Upward

Career coach Brittany Hayles gives her top tips for being confident and breaking down the barriers in your professional life.